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Martha Leone Design: The blog is where I share thoughts on the creative process and share lots of pictures of each finished piece of painted furniture. Critiques are always welcome!

Filtering by Category: Classic Paint Treatments

French Provencal Nightstands

Martha Leone

Nightstands at MarthaLeoneDesign 1

Nice. Classic. Great detail work in the wood. That's how I would describe these nightstands, even in their dilapidated state before I painted them. Things have been busy around here with custom work and other pieces so I enlisted the help of my daughter on these two small pieces. She did a wonderful job. This will be the second project she worked on... first one was The Anna Table.

Nightstands at MarthaLeoneDesign2

Nightstands at MarthaLeoneDesign3

Nightstands at MarthaLeoneDesign4

Process 1. Lightly sanded the base and completely removed the old paint finish on the tops with my orbital sander. 2. Applied water based primer. 3. Painted it with Benjamin Moore Aura Paint in eggshell finish. 4. Stained the top with Dark walnut stain and sealed them with Varathane Polyurethane in satin. 5. Lightly sanded the base. 6. Painted the drawers black and applied two coats of the Varathane finish.

Lesson Learned Benjamin Moore paint is my favorite for walls. Their Advance line is my favorite for furniture. I tried their Aura line on these nightstands and didn't like it very much. It took about five coats of paint to finish these pieces. That may sound ridiculous... yeah. It was. I'm not sure why that happened but I have asked the knowledgeable people at my local Benjamin Moore store and they told me that the Aura line isn't intended for furniture. However, I know of other bloggers used Aura and love it. Go figure. 


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