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Martha Leone Design: The blog is where I share thoughts on the creative process and share lots of pictures of each finished piece of painted furniture. Critiques are always welcome!

Filtering by Category: Classic Paint Treatments

Gray Tallboy

Martha Leone

Gray Tallboy 2 at MarthaLeoneDesign Gray Tallboy

Gray Tallboy 3 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Gray Tallboy 4 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Gray Tallboy 5 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Two weeks ago marked the beginning of summer humidity that descends on the Washington, DC area. I happened to choose that week to do eight furniture projects... in my humid garage! Yikes. Drying time has been extended and I'm using the super great Benjamin Moore Advance paints that normally take about 15 hours to dry between coats! The humidity isn't being my friend.

Anyway, this is the first of the several pieces I would like to share. It's one of those pieces that came to me and stood in the way in the garage so I chose a neutral color and hope to sell it quickly as space is limited!

You can find this in my etsy shop. It's also available at furnishly.com.

Sorry, no before pictures my friends. The piece was dark and ugly. Some pieces just need paint. Here are my four steps to a super fast transformation that will last:

1. Lightly sand the piece and remove hardware.

2. Paint two coats of either Annie Sloan or homemade chalk paint (mine is homemade). I don't use chalk paint for all of my projects but for pieces like this one, it's a winning choice every time.

3. Lightly sand and distress.

4. Seal with one of the following: Wax, Minwax Wipe-On Polyurethane, or Varathane Satin Polyurethane. I used the Wipe-On Polyurethane.

You can find me on



and Hometalk.

This is available in my etsy shop!

Linking up to: Miss Mustard Seed