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Martha Leone Design: The blog is where I share thoughts on the creative process and share lots of pictures of each finished piece of painted furniture. Critiques are always welcome!

Filtering by Category: Classic Paint Treatments

Black and Gold Buffet

Martha Leone

Black Gold Credenza

Sometimes, we have to give ourselves a bit of time to find an idea that works with a particular piece. That's not what happened with this one. I knew what I wanted to do with it before picking it up from the Craigslist seller.

Concept: The golden veneers are beautiful. It needed black to enhance the golden color and lots of aging to give it an aged formal sort of feel. I used black paint that was mixed with Plaster of Paris to make homemade chalk paint. The white specs and shades of subtle grays in the finished piece are a result of sanding. The piece was sealed with Minwax Wipe-On Polyurethane.

This piece was given to my sister so when I have a chance I'll take better shots of it. Sorry for the blur in some of these photos!

Black Gold Credenza 2

Black Gold Credenza 3

Black Gold Credenza 4

Black Gold Credenza 5

Black Gold Credenza 6

Black Gold Credenza 7

BeforeAmerica of Martinsville Buffet

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Linking up to: Miss Mustard Seed Furniture Friday • Blissfully Everafter • French Country Cottage • Redoux Interiors • Domestically Speaking