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Martha Leone Design: The blog is where I share thoughts on the creative process and share lots of pictures of each finished piece of painted furniture. Critiques are always welcome!

Filtering by Category: Classic Paint Treatments

Gray set, part 1.

Martha Leone

Gray 2 at MarthaLeoneDESIGN

Hi to my readers. I'm sorry for my absence for over a month! My family spent July and August packing and moving to another home. We've been super busy and I can't wait to share the before and after pictures of the new home. Over the course of three weeks, the kitchen was redone, wood floors on two levels were either refinished or replaced, the stipple texture from all ceilings was removed, and the entire house was painted! Soon I'll share the process photos and a list of products used.

For now, I'll share one of the projects I completed this summer with the help of a very talented college student who helped me through a busy June.

This piece was painted in a custom light gray color. It was mixed with Plaster of Paris to turn it into homemade chalk paint. Sanded then sealed with Minwax Wipe-On Polyurethane. Original hardware was used because the original stuff is just too cool to throw out for the more trendy hardware. When original hardware can't be used, I go to my favorite supplier for vintage hardware, Violette Slippers.

Gray 3 at MarthaLeoneDESIGN

Gray 4 at MarthaLeoneDESIGN

Gray at MarthaLeoneDESIGN

Another piece in this set will come soon. Here's the before shot. IMG_2122