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Martha Leone Design: The blog is where I share thoughts on the creative process and share lots of pictures of each finished piece of painted furniture. Critiques are always welcome!

Filtering by Category: Classic Paint Treatments

Blue and Hepplewhite. A Classic Combination.

Martha Leone

Blue with hepplewhite 4 at MarthaLeoneDesign

After taking a necessary break from painting and sharing my work on this blog, I'm starting up again. I'll write a bit about my family's recent move in another post and share lots of before/after shots of our house. For now, here are a couple of night stands.

This blue is an amazing color. The choice was made because I wanted to contrast the cool blue against the warmth of the raw wood underneath. Two toned pieces are some of my favorites when I'm giving a piece a traditional treatment. The night stands remind me of the first dresser I painted when I started my business.

2 Tone from leonedesign

The white specs come from the plaster of paris I mixed into the latex paint. Even after lots of sanding, those white specs still show up... a texture that I personally like.

Blue with hepplewhite 9 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Materials  Top: Annie Sloan Dark Wax Body: Valspar latex paint mixed with plaster of paris Drawer: Valspar latex paint mixed with plaster of paris Hardware: Original

Disadvantage of homemade chalk paint While homemade chalk paint is inexpensive and adheres to furniture like Annie Sloan and other chalk paints, I can't get the same smooth finish with homemade chalk mixes. So, although I save money, I spend more time sanding the painted surface.

Blue with hepplewhite 10 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Blue with hepplewhite 6 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Blue with hepplewhite 5 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Blue with hepplewhite 3 at MarthaLeoneDesign

Guest before

Guest before 2

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and Hometalk.


Linking up to these great parties:

Domestically Speaking  •  DIY By Design  •  Savvy Southern Style  • Embracing ChangeDIY Showoff  • Redoux Interiors  •  Miss Mustard Seed  •  The Girl Creative  •  Liz Marie Blog  •  Elizabeth and Co.  •  The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse  •  Home Stories A to Z  •  Knick of Time Interiors  •  City Farmhouse/The Inspiration Exchange